Inflation is a measure of how much the value of currency depreciates each year. For example, if prices for a loaf of bread rise by 3% in a year, you would have to earn that extra 3% to continue to purchase bread, so your extra earnings would have no extra value. According to the Bank…
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Is July 19th freedom-day?
Next week, many of the present lockdown regulations in England are being relaxed. But cautionary guidance has also been published. It recommends: Meeting in well-ventilated areas where possible, such as outdoors or indoors with windows open. Wearing a face covering where you meet people you do not normally meet in enclosed and crowded spaces. Washing…
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Business rates overall for England
One of the largest fixed costs associated with business premises are rates payments to local authorities. The present system for reviewing rates in England is somewhat antiquated, the last review in England was 2017. The government had previously undertaken to move to more frequent revaluations, having introduced legislation to bring forward the next revaluations to…
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Furlough support changed 1 July 2021
Employers will need to start contributing to work not done by furloughed employees from 1 July 2021. The update from HMRC is reproduced below: From 1 July 2021, the level of grant will be reduced, and you will be asked to contribute towards the cost of your furloughed employees’ wages. To be eligible for the…
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