ULEV expands to Ultra Low Emission Vehicles. It is an acronym that we will see on a more frequent basis as climate issues climb in importance. Most families have cars, some use commercial vehicles. The majority are presently fuelled by petrol or diesel. As manufacturers commit investment to the development of carbon-free transport options, primarily…
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Chips are down
Mention the words chips to most people and fried potatoes would come to mind. Suggesting that there is a growing shortage of chips would no doubt generate a stampede to the local supermarkets. This sudden rise in demand would double up the pressure on farmers to increase supply and within a short time the…
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Tired of slow internet connectivity?
In a recent press release the government confirmed that more than 500,000 rural homes in the UK are to receive access to better broadband plans. They said: • 570,000 more rural premises in line for best broadband available via £5 billion Project Gigabit • Includes Cheshire, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Essex, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire, Lincolnshire, East…
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Budget planning opportunities
It was difficult to find any changes proposed in the budget last week that gave rise to great optimism or that swept away the nagging feeling that we are not out of the woods just yet. We have summarised below some of the issues that will affect actions that we should perhaps consider between now…
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