Tax rates and allowances are constantly changing. Tax planning opportunities are also wide ranging and changing, which is why it is important to make sure your plans are up-to-date. These guides provide information for the current tax year. Please contact us for guidance and advice.
The Budget
Your Budget report will appear here, subject to confirmation of the Budget date.
Tax rates and allowances
An up-to-date, easy to view summary of all 2018/19 main tax rates, allowances, exemptions and available deductions. Now updated to highlight changes for the 2019/20 tax year.
For a wealth of guidance and information relating to the operation of VAT, including essential tips for VAT planning, VAT schemes and how to survive the VAT inspector's visit, visit our VAT guides. The standard rate of VAT is 20%.
Real Time Information (RTI) and other PAYE and national insurance (NI) planning guides.