
What constitutes profit for tax purposes?

There is no simple answer to this question. We have listed below some of the matters that need to be are considered. As self-employed business owners’ profits are subject to income tax and National Insurance - and limited companies to corporation tax - we have divided our comments accordingly. Before making this distinction it is…
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Tax Diary December 2019/January 2020

1 December 2019 - Due date for Corporation Tax payable for the year ended 28 February 2019. 19 December 2019 - PAYE and NIC deductions due for month ended 5 December 2019. (If you pay your tax electronically the due date is 22 December 2019) 19 December 2019 - Filing deadline for the CIS300 monthly…
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Obtain proof of employment history

If you need evidence of employment for a claim, the following notes published by HMRC may help. You can ask HMRC for a record of your employment history, for example if you are making a compensation claim for: an industrial injury (for example asbestosis or industrial deafness) a road traffic accident medical negligence hardship (for…
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Christmas gifts

You don’t have to pay tax on a benefit (gift) to your employee if all of the following apply: it cost you £50 or less to provide it isn’t cash or a cash voucher it isn’t a reward for their work or performance it isn’t in the terms of their contract Gifts that fall into…
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